A Facebook Revolution in Taounate: A Zero-Sum Game for El Slassi and Bouzaidi – A Crisis in Public Governance in the Taounate Province

Fes News has obtained new data from a Facebook page dedicated to Taounate affairs, indicating a serious decline in public governance in the Taounate province. These sources confirm that Mr. Mohammed El Slassi, President of the Regional Council, and parliamentarian Abdellah Bouzaidi Bardan, have not achieved any tangible accomplishments during the first half of their current executive mandate.

The most significant point of this failure is the inability to improve water supply for the population, the deterioration of health services, and the high dropout rate in the region. Mernissa and the Wargh Basin have become areas suffering from severe marginalization and have fallen to the bottom of the human development ladder, amidst struggles over the scraps of the budget allocated for equipment and development.

The specialized Facebook page reported that this development crisis has been exacerbated by irresponsible political practices, placing local elites in the dock and opening the door to widespread criticism from civil society activists, who are demanding radical reforms to improve the social and economic situation in the province.

The sources add that there are increasing calls for El Slassi and Bardan to resign from public office, given their apparent inability to achieve any significant accomplishments.

Source: Fes News

About محمد الفاسي