Report of the Regional Court of Accounts reveals serious violations in the management of Rabat City Council

A recent report issued by the Regional Court of Accounts has uncovered serious violations in the management of Rabat City Council, sparking strong reactions among city councilors and leading to heated discussions.

The report highlighted several concerning irregularities in the community’s human resources management, including:

  • Payment of salaries until the end of February 2023 to six employees who were either retired or deceased.
  • 77 employees receiving salaries without being included in the official list of community employees.
  • The community’s inability to provide an accurate count of the number of employees, with a discrepancy of up to 216 employees, including 48 undeclared employees.
  • Problems in managing employee attendance, with 1,540 cases of absence for medical reasons recorded between 2018 and 2022 without strict verification of the medical certificates provided.
  • Five department heads receiving monthly compensation for using their personal vehicles for professional purposes, despite the availability of service vehicles for them.

Some opposition members have called for an extensive discussion during the next session of the Community Council and suggested referring the violation files to the judiciary for a deeper investigation.

These findings highlight significant gaps in the financial and human resources management of Rabat City Council, necessitating urgent corrective measures to address these violations and improve transparency and efficiency in community administration.

Media sources indicate that an investigation has been initiated to shed light on this situation, pending necessary actions by the relevant authorities.

Source: Fez News

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