For the First Time in Morocco.. Unprecedented Royal Pardon Includes 4,831 Small Farmers Prosecuted in Cannabis Cultivation Cases

In an unprecedented royal move reflecting the depth of His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s attention to vulnerable groups, His Majesty has issued a royal pardon encompassing 4,831 small farmers convicted and prosecuted in cannabis cultivation cases. This noble royal pardon comes as part of a charitable initiative aimed at achieving reconciliation between these farmers and the law, enabling them to return to their social environment naturally.

This royal pardon is considered an important step in the path of enhancing social and economic justice in Morocco, as it grants these beneficiaries a new opportunity to integrate into society and engage in legitimate activities that improve their standard of living and restore their dignity. It also reflects the royal vision that seeks to create social balance and provide a legal environment that allows everyone to contribute to building the country’s future.

This noble royal pardon did not come out of nowhere, but expresses His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s commitment to social justice and equity, and his constant concern for supporting the most vulnerable groups in Moroccan society, embodying the humanitarian values upon which royal governance in the Kingdom of Morocco is based.

Source: Fez News

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