Unidentified corpse dumped on public street mobilizes security and local authorities in Taounate

The security services of the Taounate Regional Security Department opened an intensive investigation after the body of an unidentified person was found dumped in the public street in the Ikhmalcha neighborhood under mysterious circumstances, according to local sources.

According to the same sources, some passers-by found the body in the aforementioned street under mysterious circumstances, which prompted them to notify the security authorities, who arrived at the scene along with civil protection elements.

The body was transferred to the mortuary of the Ghassani Regional Hospital in Fez for a medical autopsy, while the scientific and technical police officers started a thorough survey of the place, during which they collected important evidence that may contribute to identifying the victim and uncovering the perpetrators.

Followers of local affairs in Taounate denounced the increase in crime cases in the recent period, which raises concern and dissatisfaction among residents.

Source : Fes News Media

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