Fire at Detergent Factory in Sefrou Injures Civil Defense Personnel and Residents

Sefrou, Thursday, June 6, 2024: A massive fire broke out this morning at a detergent factory in the “Habouna” neighborhood of Sefrou, causing multiple injuries, most of them among civil defense personnel who made strenuous efforts to extinguish the blaze.

Injuries among Civil Defense Personnel and Residents:

Local sources reported that the fire, which started around 4:00 AM, engulfed the entire contents of the factory, causing significant material damage. The thick smoke caused some nearby residents to suffer from suffocation, and some were taken to Sefrou Hospital for treatment.

During firefighting operations, which lasted for hours, more than 15 firefighters were injured, some seriously, with burns. Six of them, including the regional director of civil defense in Sefrou, were transferred to the Hassan II University Hospital Complex in Fez for the necessary treatment.

Appreciation and Gratitude for Civil Defense Personnel:

The residents of Sefrou praised the bravery and sacrifice of the civil defense personnel, who put themselves at risk to protect their lives and property. They expressed their gratitude for their quick intervention, which prevented a greater catastrophe.

Calls for an Investigation:

Residents of the “Habouna” neighborhood called for an investigation into the circumstances of the fire, stressing the need to hold those responsible for the negligence that led to it accountable, especially since the factory was operating without regard to safety conditions.

Wishes for a Speedy Recovery:

Everyone sends their wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured civil defense personnel, hoping for their quick return to their noble duties of protecting the lives and property of citizens.

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