Ongoing Roadworks on Regional Road No. 504 in Sefrou Province: Strengthening Infrastructure and Facilitating Mobility

Sefrou, Morocco: Intensive works are underway to strengthen and reinforce a section of Regional Road No. 504 linking Ain Kbir and Marj in Sefrou Province. This project aims to enhance road safety and facilitate movement between different regions in the province.

These works include reinforcing the roadbed to prevent vehicle skidding, especially during the winter season when heavy rainfall occurs. Horizontal and vertical signage is also being installed to ensure the safety of road users.

Tangible Achievements:

It is worth noting that the primary works to strengthen Regional Road No. 504 along the section linking Rbat El Kheir and Marj (Koudron) have been completed. This section has been upgraded to meet the standards of modern regional roads, pending the completion of the remaining works from Marj to the city of Sefrou.

Ongoing Suffering on the Manzil-Sefrou Road:

Meanwhile, users of the road linking Manzil and Sefrou continue to suffer due to its severe deterioration.

Calls to Expedite Works:

Many residents of Sefrou Province are calling for the acceleration of works on this road, especially as it is a vital artery for linking different regions of the province and facilitating the transportation of agricultural products to markets.

In Conclusion:

These improvements on Regional Road No. 504 are part of the local authorities’ efforts to enhance infrastructure in Sefrou Province and promote economic and social development in the region.

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