Source: Awlad al-Tayeb: Compulsions and conflicts

When you hear a deputy head of a community summarise the tasks of his community as: ‘The community only issues contracts for increase’, you feel the bitterness of this young man who first stood for elections and won the seat of his local constituency for the first time. You feel the heartbreak of this young man who, just yesterday, was leading his election campaign, handing out papers decorated with a beautiful bird, and speaking with a confident and hopeful spirit, explaining to the citizen how ticking the box dedicated to this beautiful cooing bird will carry you on its wings and take you high where ‘employment, education and health’ are the basics you will enter without stop signs, stop signs will be removed from hospitals, schools and labour markets, you will enter them with your head high in the sky. This young man, who was full of hopes, sees how his hopes turned into pains that made him regret in a way that made him declare his regret: ‘Don’t expect anything other than recognising that you were born in this community, and that all your hopes were dreams.’
The reality today reveals a great scarcity of everything, and that the land of his group no longer produces anything but disagreements, conflicts and hitting below the belt. Everyone has lost the compass and lost their way, all waiting for a gelatinous figure to fill the sky so that they can take shelter in its shadows, obey its orders and feed on the crumbs of its tables. They are waiting for a gelatinous figure to save them from the citizen’s questions and lead them to wherever they find chairs without responsibilities, accountability or fear of disappearance. But that time has passed, and it will not return.
Education, health and employment are no longer slogans, but water, electricity, a seat for his son in a nearby school, and a means of transport that relieves him from waiting in the daily queue have become a hope that needs to be fought for. Only disagreements blossomed where they found a niche, grew and flourished and sent their branches in every direction.
When the citizen of Oulad El Tayeb found himself shackled by the shackles of a situation characterised by a high level of despair, his simple thinking took him to try to break the shackles so that he could overcome the bitter situation that turned the light of his life into darkness, he launched the first appeal to the collective council to return to reason, and to think about the tasks and responsibilities entrusted to him, because time is wasted, and you will find copies of it attached to this presentation, which will be followed by readings and analyses, some may not like it, but it is the way to salvation.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي