To create 1,800 jobs Two agreements signed at Mohammed VI Tangier Technology City by two global leaders in the automotive battery industry

Two agreements were signed on Tuesday at the Bank of Africa headquarters in Casablanca by two global leaders in the automotive battery industry, Hailiang Group and Xinzom, as part of two major industrial projects in the Mohammed VI Tangier Technology City (SATT).

The two agreements were initialled by the Chairman of Société des Aménas Tangier Technologies (SATT), Mr Othman Benjelloun, in the presence of the Chairman of the Tanger Med Group, Mr Fouad Brini, and the President of the Tanger Tetouan Al Hoceima Region Council, Omar Moro, as well as the Chairman of Hailiang, Cao Jianguo, the Chairman of Xinzom, Pei Tao, and senior officials from each company, representing a total investment of $910 million in 2024, a press release said.

‘These agreements represent a major turning point in the Moroccan mining ecosystem, with the arrival of a leading industrial copper operator in the Kingdom, through Hailiang Group, and a leading anode operator, Xinzom,’ SATT notes, adding that ‘these ambitious new projects underline the position of Mohammed VI Tangier City of Technology as a centre of excellence and opportunity for international industrial companies operating in competitive and globalised sectors, in line with the far-sighted vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.’

HAILIANG’s project in Morocco covers an area of 30 hectares and involves an investment of US$450 million from 2024 and the creation of 1,800 jobs.

HAILIANG, headquartered in Zhuji, Zhejiang Province, China, is a global industrial leader, specialising in the production of copper automotive parts, such as tubes, rods and pipe fittings. Founded in 1989, the company achieved revenues of US$30bn in 2022 and was ranked 459th on the Fortune Global 500 list for the same year.

With 22 production sites worldwide, including in the US and Europe, HAILIANG has forged strong partnerships with renowned companies such as Sunwoda.

The SHINZOOM project covers an area of 20 hectares and involves an investment of US$460 million from 2024 and the creation of 2,000 jobs.

SHINZOOM, a subsidiary of Hunan Zhongke Electric Company Limited, embodies excellence and innovation in the production of lithium battery anodes.

Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Changshan, Hunan Province, SHINZOOM has established itself as the third largest anode producer in China, with revenues of approximately US$1bn by 2023. The fast-growing company operates six factories in China, two of which are in partnership with industry leaders such as BYD.

Société d’aménagement de Tanger Tech manages, plans and develops a new integrated and smart industrial and residential city spanning 2,167 hectares in the Tangier region, which has already welcomed around ten operators since its actual launch in February 2023.

Tanger Med is the result of a partnership between three leading national players – Bank Maroc, the Tanger Med Special Agency and the Regional Council of Tangier Tetouan Al Hoceima – in collaboration with China Communications Construction Corporation (CCCC), a leading Chinese group in the field of public works and infrastructure.

With the support of its Chairman, management and partners, SATC is committed to continue developing the Mohammed VI Tangier Tech flagship project.

From the website: Fez News

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