Baitas Discusses General Wage Increase Across Various Sectors Following Cabinet Meeting

Government Spokesperson Mustapha Baitas announced today, Thursday, that the government has opened several files for discussion with trade unions, including the file of general wage increases.

During the press conference following the weekly cabinet meeting, Baitas stated: “All the points that have been raised have been put on the discussion table. The government has opened these files for discussion, and the unions have also opened the files that are of particular interest to them, including the file related to the general wage increase. We are now in the discussion phase with the unions, and when we reach the final stages of the discussion, we will be able to speak more broadly on this subject.”

He added: “The government affirms the strength of the political will to deal with the various files on the table for discussion, appreciates the positive cooperation from the unions, and commends the spirit of cooperation and dialogue. New developments will be discussed at the appropriate time.”

The minister stressed that “the government considers social dialogue a strategic option and that it is necessary to sit down with the unions and agree on the deep reforms that affect the substance, including reforms related to the social state and economic policies. Files that have been long awaited must also be addressed, such as the strike law, which was supposed to be ratified in the first term after the ratification of the constitution. We are now in the third term and there is still a delay.”

Source: Fes News Media

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