Abdelnabawi calls on scholars to intervene to counter the banality of digital content

Mohamed Abdel Nabawi, president of the High Council of the Judiciary, called on scholars to intervene to guide content creators on social media, urging them to stop spreading banality and destructive content.

This came during a speech he delivered on Sunday to members of the Supreme Scientific Council in Rabat, in a meeting attended by a number of personalities, including ministers.

Abdelnabawi noted that social media has become a space full of abominations, spreading obscenities, violating the sacred, and promoting fallacies and slanders, stressing that addressing this situation cannot be limited to legislation and laws alone.

He explained that the state faces difficulties in regulating the digital space, given its lack of control over the software and platforms that contribute to the spread of these negative phenomena, and in this context, he stressed the need for the intervention of scholars to educate the public, especially youth, on the need to avoid following destructive content, and work to promote moral values in the digital space.

Abdel Nabawi stressed that confronting these phenomena requires a strong advocacy discourse by scholars, based on guidance and awareness, in addition to legal legislation, noting that the law alone is insufficient to address these phenomena, which calls for the use of religious and moral discourse to influence the behavior of individuals and society.

Source : Fez News Media

About Mansouri abdelkader