In the heart of the Al-Meriniyine commune, specifically around Alal Ludi High School, both teachers and students are grappling with an environmental issue that significantly affects the educational process. The daily problem of waste burning in the area has led to the spread of toxic gases and unpleasant odors, disrupting the school day.
According to statements from educators and students, the poor environmental conditions caused by burning waste hinder their ability to complete their lessons normally. Several educators have confirmed that the fumes emitted from the burning waste directly impact everyone’s health, particularly those with respiratory conditions like asthma.
The issue is further exacerbated by the presence of an illegal waste dump near Alal Ludi High School, specifically in Zone 45, where a large amount of waste is burned daily. This makes the area uninhabitable and unsuitable for study. The situation has created an unhealthy environment that negatively impacts both students and teachers, worsening their daily struggles.
In this context, the concerned parties are calling on local authorities and relevant agencies to take immediate action to reduce this phenomenon, which is damaging both the educational experience and public health. They demand sustainable solutions for waste management and a ban on burning waste near educational institutions.
source : fesnews media