Residents of Al-Wifaq District in Lkhyayta Appeal to Authorities to Complete Sewage Project Before Winter

In a notable development in the Al-Wifaq district of Lkhyayta in the Lower Ain Haroun area of Morocco, local residents have issued an urgent appeal to officials, demanding swift intervention to complete the infrastructure project that began on the district’s main street.

A local source reported that the project, which included the complete replacement of sewage pipes in Street 9, has stalled at a critical stage. While the installation of new pipes has been completed, the areas that were excavated have not yet been repaved, raising serious concerns among residents.

One of the district’s inhabitants stated, “We are on the verge of the winter season, and we fear our street will turn into a muddy swamp if the work is not completed quickly. This could lead to an environmental disaster and completely cut off the road.”

This appeal comes at a time when local authorities are seeking to improve infrastructure in urban areas. Residents hope their demands will be met as soon as possible to avoid potential negative impacts as the rainy season approaches.

It’s worth noting that completing this project is not only necessary to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood but also to ensure citizen safety and facilitate traffic flow during the winter season.

In concluding their statements, the district’s residents appealed to officials, saying, “We demand the expeditious completion of the project as planned. We appreciate the efforts made so far, but the situation requires urgent intervention to avoid future problems.”

All eyes remain on the relevant authorities’ response to this appeal, amid the challenges faced by Moroccan cities in modernizing their infrastructure and keeping pace with the growing needs of the population.

About محمد الفاسي