Local Authorities in Agdal District Raid Latin Garden and Uncover Illegal Sales Mafia Run by Municipal Contractor

The local authorities in the Agdal district of Rabat have conducted a raid on the Latin Garden, revealing an illegal sales operation managed by a contractor working with the municipality.

Key points:

  1. The raid was carried out by local authorities in the Agdal district.
  2. The operation targeted the Latin Garden, a well-known public space in Rabat.
  3. During the raid, authorities uncovered an illegal sales network described as a “mafia”.
  4. The illegal operation was reportedly run by a contractor who has an agreement with the local municipality.
  5. This incident raises questions about oversight and corruption within local government contracts.
  6. The discovery suggests a misuse of public space for unauthorized commercial activities.
  7. The term “mafia” implies an organized and potentially widespread nature of the illegal sales operation.
  8. This event is likely to prompt further investigations into municipal contracts and the management of public spaces in Rabat.

The raid and its findings highlight concerns about the misuse of public facilities and the need for stricter monitoring of municipal contracts to prevent such illegal activities in the future.

About محمد الفاسي