A source: The accumulation of garbage threatens the health of the residents of El Marjeh in Fez and an urgent appeal to save the neighborhood from an environmental disaster (photos)

Fez, Morocco: Residents of the Marjah neighbourhood in the Zouagha district of Fez are suffering from the accumulation of household waste, as garbage collection containers are almost non-existent in the neighbourhood, forcing residents to dump their garbage in the public street, exposing themselves to the risk of diseases, foul odours and harmful insects.

A local source from the neighbourhood, through a message on an instant messaging app, appealed to the collective and provincial authorities, who are responsible for the city’s cleanliness sector, to intervene urgently to alleviate the damage to the residents.

The source attached photos documenting the accumulation of piles of garbage in the streets, warning of its health and environmental risks, especially with the high summer temperatures, as this waste causes foul odours and the spread of insects and rodents, not to mention distorting the general appearance of the neighbourhood and visual pollution.

The source stressed the need to address this crisis quickly and radically, by providing enough containers for regular garbage collection, enhancing cleanliness campaigns in the neighbourhood, and raising awareness among residents about the importance of preserving the environment.

Will the concerned authorities intervene to save the Marjeh neighbourhood from this environmental disaster?

FasNews is following the developments of this issue and putting it on the table of officials to solve it urgently.

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