Official / Ahead of the Bak exams, the Ministry of National Education adopts new frames of reference for the national standardized test

The Ministry of National Education has announced the preparation of reference frameworks for the unified national baccalaureate exams, with the aim of adopting them in the formulation of test topics, to ensure the accuracy of the assessment and the representativeness of the official curriculum.

According to a ministerial memorandum addressed to the directors of the regional academies of education and training, these frames of reference were prepared and approved by specialized national committees, including representatives of the academies, to ensure uniform and comprehensive standards in the construction of the tests.

The ministry emphasized that the adoption of these frameworks aims to accurately identify the targeted competencies, skills and contents, which contributes to better guiding and preparing candidates for the exams. This step also aims to enhance the quality of the certification exams by ensuring a wider coverage of the curriculum, providing standardized criteria for evaluating topics, and controlling the study resources scheduled in the final year of the baccalaureate.

The memorandum stressed the need to respect the parameters stipulated in the reference frameworks when preparing exam topics, to ensure accurate representation of the various fields of study and provide conditions of achievement in line with the targeted competencies and skills, and emphasized the importance of using these frameworks as a reference in preparing continuous monitoring assignments, in order to achieve harmony between the various evaluation tools adopted within the educational system.

This measure comes in the context of the Ministry of National Education’s endeavor to enhance the credibility of certification exams and achieve equal opportunities among candidates by adopting clear and transparent criteria in assessing academic achievement.

source : fes news media

About Mansouri abdelkader