Students of the National School of Architecture in Fez Denounce News Article and Defend Their Institution’s Reputation

Fez, Morocco – Students of the National School of Architecture in Fez have issued a statement denouncing an article published on the “FesNews” website on October 11, 2024. The students expressed their categorical rejection of the article’s content, asserting that it contains misleading and offensive information that damages the reputation of the school and its supervising ministry.

The statement, signed by members of the Student Office (BDE) and heads of the Sports Activities Office and various cultural and artistic activity clubs, stated that the published article caused deep resentment and left a negative psychological impact on the students. The statement affirmed that the school enjoys a prestigious reputation and a high level of education, praising the tremendous efforts made to develop the institution and make it a leader in training architectural engineers.

The students emphasized their total rejection of the gratuitous claims and accusations contained in the mentioned article, asserting that the school is characterized by an atmosphere of trust, cooperation, and mutual respect among students, professors, and administration, and that everyone works for the benefit of the student and the quality of their education.

The statement concluded by affirming that the students will always defend the reputation of the institution, which they consider fundamental to their education, emphasizing their commitment to maintaining its positive reputation and image both nationally and internationally.

For our part, the “Fes News” team reaffirms its commitment to publishing opinions and counter-opinions, in line with the principles of professional journalism. We believe in everyone’s right to publish information, even if it is based on estimates or perceptions related to a public institution. Engaging with differing opinions is part of our commitment to transparency and honest reporting, and we welcome any clarification or response that contributes to enriching public debate on topics of concern to society.

About محمد الفاسي