Power Outage Sparks Fear in Riyad Al Nakhil 1 Neighborhood

Residents of the Riyad Al Nakhil 1 neighborhood have been living in a state of anxiety and fear for more than ten days due to the disruption of public lighting in the area’s streets. This alarming situation has led to an increase in assault incidents involving white weapons, threatening the safety and security of citizens.

Many residents of the neighborhood have expressed their strong dissatisfaction with this situation, calling on local authorities to intervene urgently to resolve this problem. One resident says, “We have been living in complete darkness for days, and we no longer feel safe in our streets. We fear for ourselves and our children.”

Under these circumstances, citizens’ voices have risen, demanding immediate repair of the faults in the public lighting network. They have also called for increased security patrols in the neighborhood to ensure the safety of citizens until the problem is permanently resolved.

For their part, local authorities have not yet issued any official statement on this issue, which has increased the residents’ concern and questions about the measures that will be taken to address the situation.

The question remains: When will the suffering of the residents of Riyad Al Nakhil 1 neighborhood with darkness and fear end? And will the responsible authorities move with the required speed to restore security and tranquility to this neighborhood?

About محمد الفاسي