Government Embraces Parliamentary Oversight as a Pillar of Democracy, Says Baitas

Mustapha Baitas, the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesperson, affirmed that the government welcomes Parliament’s request to hold it accountable, considering this part of the legislature’s natural role in overseeing government actions.

Baitas emphasized that the constitution grants Parliament full rights to monitor government performance and that the government is committed to responding transparently to this oversight, as stipulated by law.

The minister added that the interaction between the executive and legislative branches reflects the vitality of the country’s democratic system. He noted that the government views Parliament’s supervisory role as a positive indicator, reinforcing transparency in governance and bolstering public trust.

Baitas reiterated the government’s readiness to appear before Parliament and address any requests for clarification or accountability regarding national issues, including recent events in the city of Fnideq, stressing the government’s full adherence to the principles of law and the constitution in this regard.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader