Fes Left-Wing Federation Condemns Power Decentralization, Citing Threat to Local Democracy

Fes – The Democratic Left Federation in Fes has expressed its deep concern over the city’s deteriorating conditions, particularly in the areas of urban transportation, sanitation, and public health. The party attributed this decline primarily to mismanagement by the city council and the ongoing policy of centralizing power away from local authorities.

In a recent statement, the federation emphasized that the centralization of power and the weakening of local authorities undermine local democracy and render elected institutions meaningless. This approach, the statement added, discourages citizen participation in elections, thereby threatening the credibility of elected bodies.

Key points raised in the statement:

  • Deteriorating services: The statement highlighted the decline in services provided to citizens in Fes, including urban transportation, sanitation, and issues related to valleys and stray dogs.
  • Mismanagement: The statement criticized the mismanagement of the city council as one of the main reasons for the city’s decline.
  • Power centralization: The federation firmly rejected the policy of centralizing power away from local authorities, viewing it as a threat to local development and citizen participation in democracy.
  • Privatization: The statement expressed the party’s opposition to the privatization of vital services such as water and electricity, considering it a threat to citizens’ interests.
  • Demands: The party called for a review of decisions aimed at weakening local authorities and for an increase in their powers, while ensuring judicial oversight.

In conclusion, the statement by the Democratic Left Federation in Fes reflects widespread concerns about the deterioration of public services and the centralization of power away from local authorities, raising questions about the future of local democracy in Morocco.

About محمد الفاسي