A rabid dog kills a child in Taounate: Terror spreads after stray dog outbreak

A rabid dog caused the tragic death of a child in the Beni Hamza roundabout in the Bouhouda community, located in the outskirts of Tounate region.

According to local sources, the child was transferred to Hassan II University Hospital after his health condition deteriorated as a result of the dog bite he suffered more than a month ago, and despite the doctors’ attempts to provide the necessary aid, his condition did not stabilize and he eventually died.

In a similar context, a New Zealand tourist suffered a serious injury from a stray dog attack in the city of Tangier, which necessitated his urgent hospitalization.

A state of terror prevails among the residents of the region due to the appearance of rabid dogs, while local authorities are seeking to control the situation and search for stray dogs suffering from rabies, in an attempt to curb the spread of this health crisis.

Source : Fes News Media

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