Fez Court Sentences Construction Company Owner to Return Over 3 Billion and 5 Years in Prison

Youssef Azizi Convicted of Forgery: Sentenced to Imprisonment and Fined

Fez – Appellate Court

The Criminal Chamber for Financial Crimes at the Fez Court of Appeal ruled, in the preliminary and present case number 26_2624_2024, convicting the defendant Youssef Azizi of forgery in bank documents and using them in documents issued by a public administration.

Azizi, the owner of a construction company, presented forged bank guarantees in construction projects for one of the courts, as revealed by investigations. The court sentenced him to five years of effective imprisonment and a fine of 20,000 dirhams, with bearing the costs and the lowest enforcement, and acquitted him of the remaining charges.

In the related civil lawsuit, the court accepted the lawsuit in form and substance, obligating the defendant to pay an amount of 11,439,492.83 dirhams to the Ministry of Justice in the person of the Minister of Justice, and an amount of 395,777 dirhams as compensation. He was also ordered to pay 20,600,000 dirhams to the Moroccan Bank of Foreign Trade for Africa, in addition to compensation of 2,000,000 dirhams, with bearing the costs and the lowest enforcement, and rejected the rest of the claims.

From: Fes News

About محمد الفاسي