Fes: Intensive Efforts and Intersectoral Coordination to Combat Rabies – Field Visits and Decisive Recommendations

Fes, July 3, 2024 – In a significant step to enhance health protection, the Regional Directorate of Health and Social Protection in the Fes-Meknes region held a crucial intersectoral coordination meeting to combat rabies. The meeting, held on July 3, 2024, included field visits to health preservation offices and health centers in Fes, Sefrou, and Taza over the course of July 3 and 4, 2024.

The meeting was chaired by the Regional Director of Health and Social Protection, with prominent figures from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Ministry of the Interior in attendance, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Health and heads of the health institutions network. The goal was clear: to develop an effective strategy and enhance preventive measures to combat rabies.

The meeting was part of the implementation of the framework agreement for partnership and cooperation to address rabies, and the strategy of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection was extensively discussed. The discussions resulted in decisive recommendations, including strengthening the capacities of healthcare workers and adopting the necessary preventive measures to curb the spread of this dangerous disease.

The efforts were not limited to discussions only but also included field visits to health centers to assess their readiness on the ground, reflecting the authorities’ commitment to implementing concrete and effective measures.

Fes News is closely following these coordinated efforts and will keep you updated with the latest developments on preventive measures to combat rabies. Stay tuned for more details on this important health issue.

From the site: Fes News

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