Scenes in Fez …. Who is responsible … where is the monitoring … where are the competent authorities … where is civilization? + (video)
Scenes in Fez …. Who is responsible … where is the monitoring … where are the competent authorities … where is civilization? + (video)

Scenes in Fez …. Who is responsible … where is the monitoring … where are the competent authorities … where is civilization? + (video)

In an incident that raises many questions about responsibility and control, a person was spotted throwing radioactive and harmful construction waste on the public street from the top of a building in the city of Fez.

This uncivilized behavior comes in the complete absence of any moral or civilized controls, endangering the public health and safety of citizens.

The incident took place in broad daylight and in front of everyone’s eyes, which raises serious questions about the role of the competent authorities in monitoring and regulating such activities that threaten the environment and the health of the population.

This behavior caused great dissatisfaction among the residents of the area, who expressed their concern about the health and environmental risks resulting from the spread of this waste in the streets, and appealed to the local authorities to take strict measures to put an end to such behaviors and hold those responsible accountable.

Source : Fes News Media

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