Interior Ministry cracks down on corruption in local authorities; lftit refers 30 heavy dossiers to the judiciary

In a decisive move to combat corruption and promote integrity in local administration, informed sources revealed that Moroccan Interior Minister Abdelouafi Lefteit has taken strict legal action against a number of local officials suspected of involvement in serious irregularities.

According to the sources, the minister has referred 30 files containing serious violations to the kingdom’s judicial prosecutor, with the aim of activating procedures to remove community leaders and senior elected officials before the administrative courts. The move comes as part of the ministry’s ongoing efforts to cleanse the local administration of illegal practices.

In a related context, the sources revealed that the ministry has triggered Article 64 of the Organizational Law of Communities, whereby governors and governors have written to heads of communities suspected of involvement in corruption cases. As a result of these actions, a new list of more than 15 community leaders was drawn up, and they were referred to the money crimes courts in various regions of the Kingdom.

These measures reflect the Ministry of Interior’s commitment to enhancing transparency and accountability in local administration, and emphasize the government’s seriousness in fighting corruption and ensuring good governance of public affairs at the local level.

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