Golden information provided by the intelligence services led the gendarmerie to arrest the monster of the Ain El Chakf forest

In a successful operation, the Royal Gendarmerie forces were able to arrest the monster of the Ain El Chegf forest, one of the most dangerous criminals who terrorised women in the region. This major achievement was made possible thanks to the golden information provided by the intelligence services.

The criminal, who used a large white sword-like weapon to attack women and commit heinous acts of harassment and rape, terrorised his victims for a long time. The gendarmerie carried out a complex operation, based on accurate and detailed information provided by the intelligence services, which contributed to tracking down the perpetrator and pinpointing his exact location.

The operation resulted in the arrest of the perpetrator without any injuries, and preliminary investigations showed that he has a criminal record in similar cases. The crime was re-enacted amid a high security alert and in the presence of a representative of the Public Prosecution, which shed light on the details of the heinous crime and the perpetrator’s method of execution.

Citizens expressed their satisfaction and gratitude for the efforts exerted by the Royal Gendarmerie and the intelligence services, praising the high efficiency and fruitful coordination between the security agencies. Human rights organisations also praised the important step in fighting crime and ensuring the rights and safety of women in society.

The operation reinforces confidence in the capabilities of the security and intelligence services in confronting criminals and ensuring the security and safety of citizens. Investigations are ongoing to uncover more details and ensure the perpetrator is brought to justice.

Source: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي