Fez / The local authority in the administrative district of Agdal organizes a proactive awareness campaign to promote safety and prevent accidents

The local authority in the administrative district of Al-Adaladis, Agdal district, Fez, organised an awareness campaign targeting the market of the proximity commercial space in Al-Saada. The campaign was part of ongoing efforts to promote safety and prevent accidents, and focused on educating traders on the dangers of overheating electronic devices during the summer, which can lead to serious fires.

According to informed sources, the campaign included distributing awareness leaflets and organising dialogue sessions with traders to explain the preventive measures needed to avoid fire accidents caused by overheated appliances. This activity was well received by traders, who expressed their appreciation for this initiative aimed at protecting lives and property.

This campaign comes in the context of a series of preventive measures adopted by the local authorities in Fez as the summer season approaches, which usually witnesses high temperatures and an increase in fire incidents.

From the website: Fez News

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