Saïs authorities launch a proactive campaign to raise awareness and sensitise on the dangers of summer fires

As part of proactive efforts to promote safety and prevent accidents, Saïs authorities have launched an awareness and sensitisation campaign targeting the dangers of summer fires. The campaign, led by the Saïs Bachouya in full coordination with all administrative attachments in the region, focused on educating traders about the dangers of overheating electronic devices during the hot summer months, which can cause serious fires.

The campaign included distributing awareness leaflets and organising interactive sessions with traders to explain the necessary preventive measures to avoid fire accidents caused by overheated appliances. The campaign witnessed a positive response from traders who appreciated the initiative to protect lives and property.

This step comes as part of a series of preventive measures adopted by the local authorities in Fez to face the expected rise in temperatures during the summer and to minimise fire incidents, which often increase during this period of the year.

From the website: Fez News

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