Fez / Defense of a PhD thesis highlighting the development of Moroccan handicrafts into enterprises

The Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah University in Fez on Saturday saw the defence of a doctoral thesis in economics presented by Mehdi Idrissi, a fellow journalist at Les eco, entitled ‘The Moroccan traditional industry, from craft to enterprise’.

The thesis addressed the main issue of how to bring the traditional industry out of its current crisis, which has worsened in recent decades due to the failure of traditional artisans to develop their working mechanisms. Mehdi El Idrissi relied on field research and questionnaires to identify the obstacles and shortcomings that prevent the development of traditional craftsmen’s activities and transform them into self-contained enterprises instead of traditional workshops.

The thesis proposes a new economic model for traditional artisans to develop their craft activity. This model is based on replication, the creation of enterprises and cooperatives, and the adoption of a modern marketing policy targeting new foreign markets, with the aim of improving the social status of artisans and transforming the traditional industry sector into a productive and income-generating sector.

In his thesis, Mehdi Idrissi addressed the issues facing some traditional industries, focusing in particular on the leather industry, which is suffering from a severe crisis. He conducted a comparative study between the traditional tanning industry in Fez and the leather industry in the Santa Cruz region of Italy, as well as the model adopted in the Igualada region of Spain. The researcher concluded that these models can be utilised to develop a local model that can save this vital sector from its crisis.

The thesis was defended by a committee consisting of Mohamed Abdellawi, Professor of Higher Education at the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences in Fez, as rapporteur and chairman of the committee, Bouchra Dabbagh, Professor of Higher Education at the same faculty, Fouad Ben El Hajj, Professor of Higher Education at the same faculty, Mohamed Amhammadi, Professor of Higher Education at the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, and Abdelbar Jabari from the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences in Tangier. Younes Zerhouni from the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences in Meknes also participated in the defence of the thesis.

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