The Justice, Legislation and Human Rights Committee approves the Alternative Penalties Law: A step towards a more humane justice system

Rabat, 30 May 2024: Yesterday, Wednesday 29 May 2024, members of the Justice, Legislation and Human Rights Committee of the Council of Chancellors approved the draft law on alternative penalties, in an important step towards strengthening Morocco’s criminal justice system and activating the principle of alternative punishment instead of imprisonment.

In line with royal directives and the recommendations of the national dialogue

Draft Law No. 43.22 on alternative penalties is in line with the royal directives contained in His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s speech on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the King and People’s Revolution, which emphasised the need to reform the justice system and promote human rights principles. The project also recalls the recommendations of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission and the results of the national dialogue on the reform of the justice system, as well as the recommendations of the Meknes debate on criminal policy held in 2004.

Addressing prison overcrowding and promoting rehabilitation

The bill aims to establish an integrated legal framework for alternative penalties, in line with the rules of the Criminal Code relating to punishment. It also aims to enact procedural mechanisms and controls at the level of the Code of Criminal Procedure related to the tracking and implementation of alternative penalties.

The adoption of alternative penalties is an important step to address the issue of overcrowding in Moroccan prisons and to promote rehabilitation and social integration programmes for offenders.

Principles of alternative penalties

Alternative penalties are based on basic principles, the most important of which are

Preserving freedom: Alternative penalties are an alternative to imprisonment, which contributes to preserving the freedom and dignity of the individual.

Rehabilitation: Alternative penalties aim to rehabilitate offenders and help them integrate into society in a positive way.

Reformation: Alternative sanctions seek to reform the behaviour of criminals and prevent them from reoffending.

A step towards a more effective justice system

The adoption of the Alternative Penalties Law is an important step towards strengthening the principles of restorative justice in Morocco and opening new horizons to address the phenomenon of crime in a more effective and humane manner. It also contributes to supporting the state’s efforts in the field of human rights and strengthening the rule of law.

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