Festival of Spiritual Music in Fez : A wonderful Sufi night with the Issawiya order in Jnan Sabil + (video)

The 27th edition of the Fez Festival of Spiritual Music witnessed a beautiful Sufi evening hosted by the Issawiya order at Janan Sibil, one of the most beautiful historical spaces in the old city.

Led by a group of presenters, the Issawiya order presented an enchanting spiritual music show that immersed the audience in deep Sufi tones that touched their hearts and souls.

The harmonies of Issawiya’s music, mixed with dhikr and prayers, enchanted the audience, who expressed their deep affection for this authentic spiritual art.

The Issawiya order is one of the oldest Sufi orders in Morocco, and is characterized by its distinctive spiritual music, known as “dhikr”.

Issawiya performances are usually held on religious occasions and holidays, and are also performed at some cultural festivals, such as the Fez Festival of Spiritual Music.

This Sufi evening was well received by the audience, who flocked from different parts of Morocco and the world to enjoy this authentic spiritual art.

Source : Fez News Media

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