Abdellatif Hammouchi announces new appointments to positions of responsibility in national security services, with Fez and Sefrou affected

The General Directorate of National Security announced on Wednesday a series of new appointments to key positions in the national security services in the cities of Sidi Qacem, Souk El Sabet, Oulad El Nama, Fez and Sefrou.

These appointments are part of the efforts of the internal dynamic to organize and improve the use of human resources in the security sector, aiming to exploit young and experienced security professionals, with full responsibility to ensure the security of citizens and the safety of their property.

The recent appointments, announced by the Director General of National Security Abdellatif Hammouchi, focused on the appointment of five new key positions, including the appointment of the deputy head of the regional security zone in the city of Sidi Qacem, three heads of police districts in the cities of Fez, Safrou and Souk El Sabet Oulad El Nama, in addition to the appointment of a senior security framework for social work in the Fez Security Prefecture.

The importance of professional and personal competence and discipline was emphasized in the process of nominating candidates to fill these security positions, aimed at enabling the new generation of security officials to implement the entire new security strategy, which aims to serve the security of citizens by enhancing the sense of security and improving the police services provided to citizens.

Source: Fez News Media

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