TikTok faces ban in Morocco.. Parliamentary discussions raise controversy over the platform’s impact on societal values

The upcoming parliamentary session in Morocco is expected to witness intensive discussions on the topic of banning “TikTok”, as concerns grow over the platform’s impact on societal values.

Details of the Discussions

According to sources within the Education Committee of the House of Representatives, the possibility of reviving a previously submitted draft law aimed at banning “TikTok” is being considered. This proposal comes amid increasing criticism expressed by many Moroccans, who are concerned about the content being exposed to youth through the platform.

Community Concerns

These concerns relate to the influence of “TikTok” on cultural and social values, as some believe that the circulating content may contribute to the spread of undesirable behaviors among young people, necessitating legislative intervention to protect society.


Reactions to this proposal vary, with some supporting strict measures against the platform, while others believe that banning it may not be the best solution and call for the need to educate youth on using social media safely and effectively.Attention is turning to the Moroccan Parliament to see how these discussions will evolve and whether they will lead to concrete decisions regarding the banning of “TikTok”.

About محمد الفاسي