Mohammed VI Foundation for National Security Agents Concludes Summer Camp

The summer camp organized by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Social Works of National Security Agents concluded on Thursday at the “Atlantica Park” summer center in Imourane, north of Agadir.

The camp, which began on July 8 and ran in four phases, ended with a closing ceremony where participating children presented various artistic performances including songs, dances, theater, and drawing.

On this occasion, Inspector General Taoufik Sittri, director of the Foundation, expressed his gratitude to Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi, the Director General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance, for his efforts in improving the social conditions of the national security family.

Boubker Bourouki, the camp director, told the Maghreb Arab Press agency that about 1,600 children from various regions of the kingdom benefited from this educational initiative.

The camp featured a rich and diverse program including educational, recreational, and exploratory activities, as well as visits to archaeological sites.

The Foundation mobilized four summer centers in Agadir, Ifrane, Tetouan, and Bouznika. These centers welcomed around 4,275 beneficiaries from children and orphans of the national security family in 2024, compared to 3,674 beneficiaries in 2023.

It’s worth noting that these summer centers meet the required standards in terms of accommodation, catering, education, and entertainment, ensuring a comprehensive experience for the beneficiaries.

The closing ceremony was attended by several agents from the central services of national security, as well as representatives from the Agadir police headquarters.

About محمد الفاسي