Understanding the Difference: The Roles of the Police Commissioner of Fez and the Governor of the Fez-Meknes Region

To clarify the differences between the key officials in the city of Fez:

Police Commissioner of Fez:

Name: Currently, the Police Commissioner of Fez is Ouhatite Oualla.
Role: The Police Commissioner is responsible for maintaining security and public order in the city. His role includes overseeing all security matters within Fez, such as combating crime, regulating traffic, and ensuring public safety.
Responsibility: He is accountable for everything related to security in the city and reports to the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN).

Governor of the Fez-Meknes Region (Prefect of Fez):

Name: The current Governor of the region and Prefect of Fez is Saïd Zniber.
Role: He has a dual role, acting as the Governor of the entire region (which includes seven provinces and two prefectures) and simultaneously serving as the Prefect of Fez. Saïd Zniber is responsible for coordinating between various local administrations at the regional level, implementing government policies, and overseeing economic and social development projects.
Responsibility: In addition to his role as the regional Governor, Zniber also manages administrative and developmental affairs within the city of Fez as the Prefect, making him responsible for the city’s development and the organization of all administrative activities concerning the residents.


Police Commissioner of Fez, Ouhatite Oualla: Focuses on security matters within the city of Fez.
Governor of the Fez-Meknes Region and Prefect of Fez, Saïd Zniber: Oversees coordination and development across the entire region, as well as managing administrative and developmental affairs in the city of Fez.
This distribution of roles helps in understanding who is responsible for what in Fez, offering a clearer idea of how tasks and responsibilities are divided among different entities within the city.

Source: fesnews.media

About Mansouri abdelkader