A strange traffic accident in Fez : A car runs over people and flees the scene

The city of Fez witnessed a bizarre traffic accident last night, where a car with a Fez license plate ran over a number of people and fled the scene.

According to a private source who witnessed the incident, the incident took place around 11 pm, and the police did not arrive at the scene until 2:30 am, despite being informed of the incident.

According to the source, two people tried to chase the fleeing car to document its data, but the driver tried to run them over and continued to flee. Two people were transported in critical condition to the University Hospital by ambulance.

Another source indicated that there are suspicions that the driver belongs to the police force, which raises questions about the motives of the incident and the driver’s behavior. The incident highlights the issues of traffic safety and security response in such critical situations.

The competent authorities are continuing to investigate the incident to determine the identity of the driver and hold him accountable according to the law, while emphasizing the need to take the necessary measures to ensure the security and safety of citizens.

Source : Fez News Media

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