Local sources : Security intervention to break up the sit-in of the unemployed in Ba Mohammed village after an open-ended hunger strike

Local sources reported late this week that security services intervened to break up a sit-in organized by unemployed people in the village of Ba Mohammed, on the outskirts of Taounate.

The intervention comes in the context of an open-ended strike by the unemployed, who belong to the National Association of Unemployed Degree Holders in Morocco, which includes abstaining from food, water and sugar.

According to a statement issued by the association, the move resulted in the hospitalization of one of the participants in the strike due to the deterioration of her health condition.

This escalation comes as part of a series of protest actions carried out by the unemployed to demand their integration into the labor market, which has not found an echo with the concerned authorities.

It should be noted that the unemployed have already organized several protests in the past days, as they held a protest in front of the Taounate governorate on Wednesday, July 17, followed by a protest in front of the governorate of the region on Thursday, July 18, and a third protest in front of the collective council last Monday.

Source: Fes News Media

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