Tazah University Campus Opens: A Dream Comes True After Long Wait

Taza, June 23, 2024: After years of delays, the Tazah University Campus has finally opened its doors to students, marking the beginning of a new era of higher education in the region. While students and their families express immense happiness at this achievement, the curtain falls on the long suffering faced by students who were forced to live in other cities to continue their university studies.

The file of the Tazah University Campus had occupied public opinion for years, as its implementation was delayed for various reasons, which aroused the resentment of students and their families who expressed their dissatisfaction with this situation.

The opening of the new university campus is a victory for the students who fought for their right to university housing, and it also represents a qualitative addition to the educational infrastructure in the city of Taza and its suburbs.

Features of the University Campus:

The Tazah University Campus is distinguished by its strategic location, , which makes it easy for students to reach the university without the hassle of commuting. The campus also provides all the necessary facilities for students, including:

  • Equipped dormitories: The dormitories in the university campus provide a suitable environment for study and sleep, and they are equipped with all the basic necessities that students need.
  • Dining halls: The campus provides dining halls that offer students healthy meals at reasonable prices.
  • Libraries: The libraries in the campus provide students with various sources of information and books, which helps them in their studies and research.
  • Sports fields: Sports fields are available in the campus that allow students to practice sports and relax.
  • Green spaces: There are large green spaces in the campus that allow students to relax and have a good time.

Expected Positive Impacts:

The opening of the Tazah University Campus is expected to contribute to achieving many benefits, including:

  • Easing the financial burden on student families: The university campus will contribute to easing the financial burden on student families, as they will be able to save large sums that were spent on renting rooms for their children in the city of Fez.
  • Improving students’ academic performance: The university campus will contribute to improving students’ academic performance, as it will provide them with a suitable environment for study and concentration away from the pressures of daily life.
  • Stimulating the local economy: The university campus will contribute to stimulating the local economy in the city of Taza and its suburbs, as it will create new job opportunities and will contribute to increasing the demand for goods and services.

In conclusion:

The opening of the Tazah University Campus is an important event that contributes to strengthening higher education opportunities in the region and opening up new horizons for students. We hope that this achievement will contribute to achieving sustainable development in the city of Taza and its suburbs.

About محمد الفاسي