Residents of Douar Oulad Taounza in Taza Province Volunteer to Clean Mosque from Flood Damage

Taza, Morocco – In an initiative reflecting the spirit of solidarity and social cohesion, a group of young people from Douar Oulad Taounza in Taza Province have launched a volunteer campaign to clean and purify the surroundings of the local mosque from mud and damage caused by recent floods.

The area has recently experienced a wave of heavy rains, leading to the flooding of the adjacent valley and the seepage of water and mud into the mosque’s vicinity. Given the importance of this religious site in the lives of the douar’s residents, local youth took the initiative to organize a volunteer campaign to remove mud and clean the area surrounding the mosque.

One of the campaign participants said, “We felt it was our duty towards our mosque and our community. We couldn’t wait for official bodies to intervene, so we decided to start cleaning and repairing what we could ourselves.”

Despite the volunteers’ efforts, there is still an urgent need for local authorities and benefactors to intervene by building a side wall to protect the mosque from future floods and valley overflows. The douar’s residents have appealed to those responsible for public affairs for urgent intervention and to provide necessary protection for the mosque.

One of the douar’s elders added, “We are proud of our youth and the spirit of initiative they have shown. However, we need official support to ensure the long-term protection of our mosque.”

This initiative has been widely appreciated by the area’s residents, who praised the efforts of the youth and the spirit of cooperation they demonstrated. They also expressed hope that this campaign would draw the attention of officials to the need for preventive measures to protect mosques and public facilities in flood-prone areas.

In conclusion, we extend our thanks and appreciation to all who contributed to this noble initiative, hoping it will serve as a catalyst for more volunteer work and community solidarity in facing natural challenges.

About محمد الفاسي