Residents of Haffra Bennis, Jnanat District in Fes, Suffer from Air Pollution Due to Public Bath

The residents of Haffra Bennis, located in the Jnanat district of Fes, are enduring difficult living conditions due to air pollution caused by a local public bath.

Smoke emitted from the bath is polluting the air, negatively affecting the quality of life and the health of the community.

Concerns are growing among the residents as the smoke reaches their homes, creating unhealthy conditions, especially for children and the elderly who are particularly vulnerable.

The residents have expressed their dissatisfaction with the situation and are calling on the authorities to urgently address the issue.

They demand that health and environmental standards be enforced in public baths. The community hopes for a swift response from local authorities to improve their living conditions and ensure a pollution-free environment.

source: fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader