Guelmim-Oued Noun Regional Council Approves Development Projects Worth Over 700 Million Dirhams

Guelmim, Morocco – The Guelmim-Oued Noun Regional Council held its ordinary session for October 2024 on Monday, October 7, in the city of Guelmim. The meeting was chaired by Mrs. Mbarka Bouaida, President of the Council, in the presence of the region’s Wali, Mr. Najem Abhay, representatives from the region’s provinces and prefectures, as well as representatives from relevant external services and council members.

The council discussed 12 points during this session, including the approval of the regional budget for 2025, along with the study and approval of several agreements aimed at enhancing development in the region. The total value of the approved projects exceeded 700 million dirhams.

In the water and energy sectors, the council approved an amendment to an agreement to finance and implement drinking water supply projects in the region’s centers and villages at a cost of 221.4 million dirhams. Agreements for flood protection and the preparation of a regional plan for energy efficiency and decarbonization were also approved.

In the field of marine product valorization, the council approved two agreements to build and equip modern fish markets in Sidi Ifni port and Tan-Tan commune at a total cost of 25 million dirhams.

In the higher education sector, the council approved two agreements: one to support students from the region to pursue their studies at Mohammed VI University of Health Sciences at a cost of 64.48 million dirhams, and another to support scientific research and innovation in partnership with the Hassania School of Public Works with a budget of 6 million dirhams. An amendment to an agreement for the construction and equipment of the Minerals Institute in Assa commune was also approved at a cost of 132 million dirhams.

In the traditional crafts sector, the council approved two agreements: one to implement a professional apprenticeship training program in service-oriented traditional crafts, and another in partnership with UNESCO to preserve knowledge and skills related to traditional crafts with a budget of 3 million dirhams.

Finally, the council approved a partnership agreement to structure the region’s territorial offer at a cost of 27 million dirhams, aimed at enhancing the region’s attractiveness and stimulating investment.

The session concluded with the sending of a loyalty and devotion telegram to His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

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