Fes City Council Approves New Waste Management Contract by Absolute Majority in Special Session to Improve Environmental Services

On Monday, September 30, 2024, the Fes Municipal Council held an extraordinary session dedicated to discussing the urgent issue of the city’s waste management sector, a key priority for improving the environmental quality of the scientific capital.

During this session, the new waste management contract was brought to the table for discussion, attracting significant attendance from council members who debated the contract’s terms and details.

Following extensive deliberations on the importance of this issue and its role in enhancing waste management services, the contract was put to a vote, receiving the absolute majority approval from council members.

This step aligns with the council’s efforts to develop the waste management sector and strengthen its capacity to meet citizens’ expectations.

In a statement, the President of the Fes Municipal Council highlighted that the approval of the waste management contract marks a significant achievement toward the council’s environmental goals for the upcoming period.

He also noted that this approval comes at a crucial time to improve facilities and services related to cleanliness, making Fes a cleaner and more attractive city.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader