Fez Joins Wave of Moroccan Protests in Support of Palestinian People

Fez – The Moroccan city of Fez witnessed a new protest on [date of the protest] in solidarity with the Palestinian people, responding to a call from the Moroccan Coalition to Support Palestine. This demonstration comes in the context of a series of similar protests sweeping major Moroccan cities since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza.

Dozens of citizens gathered in the center of Fez, carrying banners and flags expressing their solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Participants raised slogans condemning the successive and systematic attacks carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinian civilians.

In their statements, the protesters emphasized the necessity of stopping the ongoing Israeli aggression, calling on the international community to intervene urgently to protect the Palestinian people and ensure their legitimate rights.

One of the protest organizers told our correspondent: “We are here today to reaffirm our unwavering position in support of the Palestinian cause. We will not remain silent about the injustice and oppression our brothers in Palestine are facing.”

This protest is part of a broader protest movement that Morocco has been witnessing since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza. Major cities such as Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakech, and Tangier have seen similar demonstrations, reflecting the scale of Moroccan popular solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

One participant added: “We continue these protests in Fez and other Moroccan cities to affirm that our support for the Palestinian people is ongoing and will not stop. These are not just passing protests, but an expression of a firmly held position in the conscience of the Moroccan people.”

At the conclusion of the protest, organizers called for the continuation of solidarity movements and intensification of efforts to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli practices. They emphasized that the Palestinian cause will remain present in the conscience of the Moroccan people, and that these protests will continue as long as the aggression on Gaza and other occupied Palestinian territories persists.

About محمد الفاسي