French Elections: Outrage Following Michel Barnier’s Appointment as Prime Minister

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the “France Insoumise” movement, expressed his outrage on Thursday after the announcement of Michel Barnier, former minister and former European Commissioner, as Prime Minister, stating that “the election was stolen from the French people.” Meanwhile, Olivier Faure, leader of the Socialist Party, remarked that “we are entering a regime crisis.”

Call for Mobilization

In a video posted on social media, Mélenchon criticized the appointment of Barnier, which he claimed was made “with the permission and perhaps at the suggestion of the National Rally.” He called for “the strongest possible mobilization” on Saturday, right after the announcement of Barnier’s selection.

Criticism of Democratic Denial

Olivier Faure described the situation on X as “a democratic denial at its peak,” pointing out that “the Prime Minister comes from the party that finished in fourth place and did not even participate in the Republican front.” Along with his partners in the New Popular Front (NFP), the Socialist group in the National Assembly stated in a communiqué that they would censure Barnier’s government, which “lacks both political and republican legitimacy.”

Macron’s Choice After Long Wait

President Emmanuel Macron made his choice after 60 days of waiting and a succession of names being discussed, having refused to appoint Lucie Castets, the NFP candidate, who led the legislative elections but did not achieve an absolute majority.

Criticism from Various Parties

Marine Tondelier, the national secretary of the Ecologists, expressed her deep concern in a video on X, lamenting, “The president has thrown the Republican front out the window; he has only flirted with the far right, seeking ever more support from the right side of the political spectrum.”

Accusations of Collaboration with the Far Right

Fabien Roussel, the leader of the Communists, criticized in a statement “the choice of the right to continue the president’s policy” and its “clear” objective: “the construction of a coalition with the deputies of his defeated camp and the complicity of the National Rally to support the ongoing policy.”

Questions About Future Policies

Former “France Insoumise” deputy François Ruffin noted, “There is certainty that nothing will change,” asking, “Will Michel Barnier reverse the retirement age to 64? Will he restore the wealth tax? No, of course not; Macron chose him under those conditions. Therefore, we will censure him.”

Concerns Over Democratic Transformation

Ecologist deputy Sandrine Rousseau stated that Emmanuel Macron is “on the verge of transforming democracy into a vast puppet show. This will come at a cost, and likely a high one.” Mathilde Panot, the leader of the “France Insoumise” deputies, criticized Barnier’s appointment, saying, “The president refuses to respect popular sovereignty and the choice made at the polls,” denouncing it as “an unacceptable coup in a democracy.”

About محمد الفاسي