Mohammed El-Hajjira: The Royal Pardon Was Not Just a Legal or Political Decision, but a Message of Love and Compassion from His Majesty the King

In a remarkable humanitarian gesture by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God preserve him, a royal pardon was issued that included cannabis farmers in the mountainous regions of Morocco, known as the “Rif Country”. This royal pardon represents a turning point in the lives of thousands of families who have long suffered from legal persecution and conditions of poverty and marginalization.

In a statement, Parliamentarian Mohammed El-Hajjira from the Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate region said, “This royal pardon was not just a legal or political decision, but a message of love and compassion from His Majesty the King towards the people of these marginalized regions. He realized that many of them resorted to cannabis cultivation not out of criminal intent, but out of the need to survive and live with dignity in the face of difficult economic and development conditions.”

El-Hajjira added that this generous royal decision opens the door to the development of comprehensive strategies for these regions, including education, health, infrastructure, and the creation of sustainable job opportunities, including the legalization of cannabis cultivation as part of this strategy.

He also emphasized that this noble royal initiative will enable the people of the mountains to live with dignity and aspire to a better future, away from the fears and legal threats they had previously lived with. He stressed that under the leadership of His Majesty the King, Morocco will be a homeland that embraces all its children and provides them with decent livelihoods.

El-Hajjira concluded by saying, “Thank you, Your Majesty the King, for this noble humanitarian gesture that has restored hope to the people of the mountains. We are committed to working hard to turn this opportunity into a tangible reality that will positively reflect on the lives of the residents of these remote regions.”

About محمد الفاسي