Democratic Union for Justice Stands in Solidarity with Employee Facing Discrimination, Calls for Protest

In a statement issued by the local office of the Democratic Union for Justice in Fez, the union announced its solidarity with an employee at the Commercial Court in Fez who allegedly faced what the union described as “discrimination and racism” from the First President of the Commercial Court of Appeal.

According to the statement, the local office held an emergency meeting to discuss a complaint submitted by the employee, who claims she was subjected to demeaning behavior by the First President, who ignored social norms and appropriate communication etiquette.

The statement strongly condemned this behavior, describing it as a “collapse of human values” in a public facility that is supposed to ensure equality among citizens. The union called for confronting this “shameful situation and reckless behavior.”

In response to this incident, the local office of the union announced several decisions, including:

  1. Calling on union members to participate in protest stands scheduled for August 27, 28, 29, and September 3, 4, in addition to a national march on September 4 in Rabat.
  2. Declaring unconditional solidarity with the employee who faced discrimination.
  3. Recalling the national office’s statement issued on July 15, 2024, and all its provisions.
  4. Deciding to hold a warning protest stand at the Commercial Court of Appeal in Fez, with the date to be announced later.

This statement comes in the context of escalating tension between the union and the court administration. The union points to problems and difficulties that have accompanied the work of the court clerks since the beginning of July. The union also affirmed its commitment to ensuring the continuity of work during the current month of August.

The union emphasizes the need to address this issue and calls for respect and fair treatment of all employees in the judicial system.

About محمد الفاسي