Ministry of Interior Launches Investigations into Urban Rehabilitation Contracts in Moroccan Cities

According to the newspaper Assabah in its Thursday edition, the Moroccan Ministry of Interior has initiated internal administrative investigations to uncover companies and consultancy firms dominating the contracts for urban rehabilitation projects in cities.

The newspaper reports that governors and local authorities have completed a census of companies and consultancy firms controlling these contracts in various communities, which enjoy support from local council presidents with whom they have mutual interest relationships. It is expected that the General Directorate of Local Communities has received the names of these entities.

Sources indicate that the investigations may lead to the downfall of many local council presidents, owners of consultancy firms, and favored companies, including former ministers, parliamentarians, presidents of regional councils, and members of political party bureaus.

The newspaper revealed that some local council presidents have turned urban rehabilitation projects and programs into means for quick profit and wealth accumulation at the expense of city quality and aesthetics. Cases of converting green spaces into investment projects have been detected, despite these areas being originally programmed within urban rehabilitation plans.

It’s worth noting that local communities have benefited since 2005 from significant funds to implement multi-year urban rehabilitation programs, aimed at strengthening city attractiveness and improving the living environment for residents. These investigations are expected to reveal irregularities and transgressions in the implementation of these programs.

The investigations, conducted by governors and local authorities away from the eyes of the General Inspectorate of Territorial Administration, are anticipated to have far-reaching consequences for those involved in these questionable practices.

About محمد الفاسي