Hours before the opening of the Paris Olympics / “Criminal” attack and “arson” fires target France’s high-speed rail network + (Photos & Videos)

A few hours before the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the French railway network SNCF was hit by a massive large-scale attack on Thursday night. The attack, which the company described as aimed at “paralyzing” the network, resulted in “severe disruption” to train traffic.

In a statement issued by the company, it explained that the attack included “several simultaneous malicious acts” that affected the Atlantic, Northern and Eastern railways, where it was indicated that “deliberate fires” were set with the intention of damaging high-speed line installations.

The attack caused “significant disruptions” to TGV traffic, prompting the company to divert some trains to conventional lines and cancel a large number of trips.

Informed media sources confirmed the “sabotage” of the network, and the company reported that the Southeast bullet train line was “not affected” by the attack. The company noted that its technical teams are “on the ground to conduct diagnostics and begin repairs,” but the situation is expected to last at least through the weekend.

While many travelers were planning to travel to the capital for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, the company said it would inform passengers via SMS about the progress of their trains, and advised postponing trips and not heading to the station. It also emphasized that all tickets are exchangeable and refundable.

In a press conference, SNCF Chairman Jean-Pierre Varando announced that the “massive attack” affected the high-speed rail network and affected about 800,000 passengers. For his part, the Minister of Transport, Patrice Vergaret, denounced the “disgraceful criminal act” and warned of “very serious consequences” for train traffic.

Source : Fez News Media

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