Airplanes intervene to extinguish and control a huge fire in the Bourd forest in Taza

On Thursday evening, two Canadair airplanes were deployed to help extinguish a fire that broke out on Wednesday in the Cherchara forest of the Borde community in the Aknoul district of Taza region.

The two aircraft jumped to the site of the fire after being supplied with water from the lake of the nearby Estfalou Dam.

Various teams, including members of the Civil Protection, Auxiliary Forces, Royal Gendarmerie, local authorities, water and forestry, as well as members of the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces, participated in the extinguishing operations, under the supervision of the governor of Taza region.

The fire broke out last Wednesday, burning a large area of forest cover, amounting to about 25 hectares of pine trees, according to estimates at 10 a.m. Despite the scale of the disaster, the fire did not result in any human casualties or damage to citizens’ property.

Source : Fes News Media

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