National Federation of Café and Restaurant Owners in Morocco Demands Postponement of New Tax Law Implementation

The National Federation of Café and Restaurant Owners in Morocco has issued a statement calling on the relevant authorities to postpone the implementation of the new tax law related to cafes and restaurants. The statement mentions that this new law will lead to a financial burden increase of up to 70% compared to the previous regulations.

The Federation’s statement requests a one-year postponement of the implementation of this new tax law, in order to give cafes and restaurants the opportunity to adapt to these significant tax increases. The Federation also called for a more detailed study of this law and to listen to the demands and proposals of the owners of these establishments.

The statement stressed that these major tax increases will negatively affect the continuity of operation of cafes and restaurants, especially in light of the difficult economic conditions the country is going through due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Federation called on the relevant authorities to deal with this sensitive file with flexibility and a sense of responsibility.

About محمد الفاسي