A group of members of the pro-Palestinian American Jewish community staged a sit-in inside the Capitol building to protest the visit of Benjamin Netanyahu

A group of American Jewish community members who support Palestine organized a sit-in at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., in protest against the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The protesters announced that they would not leave the building until a ban on arms to Israel is imposed, chanting slogans such as “Not in our name.”

This sit-in is part of a series of events organized by the American Jewish community expressing their opposition to the Israeli government’s policies towards the Palestinians. The protesters carried signs with slogans calling for an end to U.S. military support to Israel, emphasizing the need for justice and peace in the region.

The demonstrators pointed out that the sit-in represents the voice of a significant portion of the American Jewish community who refuse to have their name used to justify policies they see as unjust and inhumane. They added that their goal is to send a clear message to U.S. policymakers to reconsider the military aid provided to Israel and to work towards fair and peaceful solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This sit-in is part of a broader movement in the United States calling for a reassessment of U.S.-Israel relations and exploring ways to pressure the Israeli government to change its policies towards the Palestinians.

About محمد الفاسي